Buzzing in the ears (Tinnitus Examination)

Tinnitus examination

What is tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?

βουητο στα αυτια

The types of tinnitus are classified into:

Ringing in the ears (Tinnitus) is the perception of sound by the patient's ear when there is no clear sound stimulus from the patient's environment. It is a symptom known since antiquity that has afflicted a large number of patients and requires investigation by an ENT specialist.

  • Unilateral: in only one ear
  • Bilateral: in both ears
  • Non-pulsatile: continuous sound without rhythm
  • Pulsatile: rhythmic sound usually resembling heartbeat
  • Subjective: perceived only by the patient
  • Objective: can be heard by the examiner
  • Mild: heard mainly in quiet environments
  • Severe: heard even in noisy environments

What affects tinnitus?

  • Age: more common tinnitus in the age group of 50-70.
  • Gender: more common in males
  • Βαρηκοΐα: αυξάνονται ανάλογα με την σοβαρότητα της βαρηκοΐας

Where do they originate from?

The possible causes of tinnitus include a number of conditions, so we mention indicatively:

    • Presbycusis
    • Noise-induced hearing loss
    • Chronic otitis
    • Meniere's disease
    • Otosclerosis
    • Eustachian tube blockage
    • Head and neck injuries
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Diabetes mellitus
    • Antihypertensive medications
    • Benign intracranial hypertension
    • Carotid artery atherosclerosis
    • Muscle spasm of the ear muscles
    • Vascular abnormalities
    • Acoustic neuroma

What should I do?

Tinnitus, as shown above, can be caused by something simple or something more serious. This is why you should visit an ENT specialist who will proceed to investigate the problem, which includes:

  • Detailed history (onset time of symptoms, duration, accompanying conditions-disturbances)
  • Clinical examination
  • Otoscopic examination (otoscopy)
  • Head and neck examination
  • Auscultation of carotids-skull
  • Audiological examination
  • Imaging examination

Is there a treatment?

Treatment is individualized and based on the identification of the type of tinnitus. As general principles, at least for continuous tinnitus, the following are recommended:

  • Protection from noise
  • Avoiding caffeine - nicotine
  • Anxiety control
  • Sound masking
  • Assessment of current medication regimen